How to Embed Code for a Photo in Custom Widget

WordPress Themes, Plugins and HTML Templates Forums Contango WordPress Theme How to Embed Code for a Photo in Custom Widget

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    How do I add a photo at the top of a page in a Custom Widget page? So far I have Contango Text and Contango Services on the page. Can I embed the image in the Contango Text widget within the Custom Widget Page with left alignment and the text wrapped to the right? I really only want to add one image. I haven’t been able to figure out how the sliders work yet and would prefer not to have to use them on this particular page. Again, thanks for your help.

    Update: I’ve successfully added an image in the Text widget with the following code obtained from

    “In the text widget, add the html code to display an image:`” title=”me” />`
    replace the url with the URL of the image you want to insert of course.”

    And I now am wrapping text to the left of the image with the following code:

    URL” width=”460″ height=”463″ />Insert text here

    I think I’ve got this one figured out.

    To really tweak the alignment so that the photo aligned beautifully with text, this is the code I finally used:

    Insert text here

    Back to the FlexSlider: Is the key related to using exact measurements for the images?


    Hi Lotus,

    How do I add a photo at the top of a page in a Custom Widget page?

    Lotus, practically you can add any thing in the Widgetized Page. “Contago Text” Widget is specially written for Widgetized Pages. Let consider your requirement.

    How to wrap image in a text with left alignment:

    Etiam egestas dapibus massa consectetur commodo. Integer nulla dui, tristique et luctus et, blandit at nisl. Aliquam non varius nulla. Mauris interdum facilisis nunc id bibendum.

    Vestibulum mattis, augue at porta pharetra, sapien erat malesuada nibh, vitae dapibus diam nunc quis felis. Vivamus cursus sagittis bibendum. Integer lacus nulla, lobortis et varius id, posuere nec enim. In bibendum enim volutpat convallis sagittis.

    Donec rutrum lacinia consequat. Sed rhoncus fringilla elit, eu pretium tortor faucibus at. In odio nulla, scelerisque a neque congue, laoreet tempus urna. Nam et est fermentum urna luctus lobortis non vel turpis. Morbi aliquet id lacus non dignissim.

    Mauris convallis nulla massa, ut sollicitudin sapien mollis et. Suspendisse porttitor felis eu eros sollicitudin molestie. Integer risus metus, tincidunt eu erat ac, eleifend hendrerit dui. Cras molestie facilisis nisi in laoreet. Curabitur aliquet molestie quam. Fusce mollis velit ac velit mollis suscipit. Duis euismod, dolor sed pharetra accumsan, tortor risus adipiscing lorem, id adipiscing lectus diam in orci.


    [B]Is the key related to using exact measurements for the images?[/B]

    Frankly, i did not understand the concept of “Key”. However, Recommended Image Dimensions are mentioned in the readme file i.e.

    [CODE]Blog Posts: 580 x 350
    Portfolio Posts: 940 x 600
    Slide Posts: 940 x 450
    Client Posts: 340 x 150[/CODE]


    Etiam egestas dapibus massa consectetur commodo. Integer nulla dui, tristique et luctus et, blandit at nisl. Aliquam non varius nulla. Mauris interdum facilisis nunc id bibendum.

    Vestibulum mattis, augue at porta pharetra, sapien erat malesuada nibh, vitae dapibus diam nunc quis felis. Vivamus cursus sagittis bibendum. Integer lacus nulla, lobortis et varius id, posuere nec enim. In bibendum enim volutpat convallis sagittis.

    Donec rutrum lacinia consequat. Sed rhoncus fringilla elit, eu pretium tortor faucibus at. In odio nulla, scelerisque a neque congue, laoreet tempus urna. Nam et est fermentum urna luctus lobortis non vel turpis. Morbi aliquet id lacus non dignissim.

    Mauris convallis nulla massa, ut sollicitudin sapien mollis et. Suspendisse porttitor felis eu eros sollicitudin molestie. Integer risus metus, tincidunt eu erat ac, eleifend hendrerit dui. Cras molestie facilisis nisi in laoreet. Curabitur aliquet molestie quam. Fusce mollis velit ac velit mollis suscipit. Duis euismod, dolor sed pharetra accumsan, tortor risus adipiscing lorem, id adipiscing lectus diam in orci.


    Is the key related to using exact measurements for the images?

    Frankly, i did not understand the concept of “Key”. However, Recommended Image Dimensions are mentioned in the readme file i.e.

    Blog Posts: 580 x 350
    Portfolio Posts: 940 x 600
    Slide Posts: 940 x 450
    Client Posts: 340 x 150[/CODE]

    Enjoy![CODE]Blog Posts: 580 x 350
    Portfolio Posts: 940 x 600
    Slide Posts: 940 x 450
    Client Posts: 340 x 150[/CODE]



    Hello again. I understand why the use of key could be confusing. It was used somewhat metaphorically in reference to the fact that I haven’t yet been able to figure out how to successfully implement FlexSlider or the Nivo Slider, so I was thinking maybe I needed to adjust the size of my images and that the image size was the “key” to unlock my understanding about what I was doing wrong or was the “key” or solution to fixing my problem. Hope that helps.

    I really appreciate all your patience and help.


    Hi Lotus,
    Hopefully enjoying good health.

    How to successfully implement FlexSlider or the Nivo Slider,

    It is just a matter of choice.

    I was thinking maybe I needed to adjust the size of my images

    No, you don’t need to adjust the size of image for different sliders. Only requirement is at-least ( 940 x 450 ) image dimension for slider post. Bot Nivo Slider and Flexslider will work best.


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