Custom Sidebar For Category Page?

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    I really like Contango Pro – it’s a very nice theme. But I’m hoping you can help me figure something out…

    1. Is it possible to have a custom sidebar for a category page?

    2. If the answer to #1 is no, is it possible to have a page and category of the same name in order to:

    a. Have a page that will feed posts only tagged for that category and has a custom sidebar
    b. Will not show as duplicate menu selection items of the same name (where one behaves as a category page and the other is just an actual page that is blank)

    Please let me know if this is possible




    Hello Jim,

    Is it possible to have a custom sidebar for a category page?

    Logically it is possible. For Example,

    – You have created a category e.g. WordPress
    – You have created a custom sidebar e.g. WordPress
    – Now, you can create a post under WordPress category by assigning it WordPress sidebar. (So, you can create multiple posts by following this procedure)



    Thanks very much for the reply. That works fine if I click into a specific post. But clicking on the category in the menu heading (which is a category page that returns a blog stream for that category) won’t bring in the custom sidebar until I click on a specific post.

    This is the first time I have created a website and I’m having fun learning how to use the tools. I think this is my problem fundamentally – I want to create a blog which, at a high level, will contain two different subjects. So I would like to have a custom sidebar for each. And the sidebar that appears would depend on which pages, categories, or posts the user clicks on as they navigate the site.



    It is not possible to have custom sidebars at Archive i.e. category templates in the current version of Contango.
    You may need to have some Custom Development to achieve your task.



    I recently discovered I can accomplish this with plug-ins that use short codes, but the appearance will not blend very well with the theme for a consistent look.

    Thank you for the suggestion, but I won’t plan to pursue any custom development for my blog (which is just a new hobby for me). I’m sure I’ll be happy with the end result using the features available within the theme. I’m just learning as I go and figuring out what I can and cannot do.

    Thanks again


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