Getting Started

After activating your theme, visit the Customizer to set up the basic theme settings, such as background color, custom header, site logo, or custom menu.


Anther Blocks (Recommended Plugin)

Anther Blocks Plugin is a collection of beautiful, customizable Gutenberg blocks for the new block editor. These blocks will help you to customize page layouts, increase engagement, and get results for your business. You need to install and activate the Anther Blocks plugin in order to use the following blocks.

  • DesignOrbital Heading Block
  • DesignOrbital Featured Posts Block

Jetpack (Recommended Plugin)

Jetpack is recommended plugin for Anther WordPress theme. Jetpack is comprehensive and free plugin by which provides several features under one roof. You need to install and activate the Jetpack plugin in order to use the supported modules.

For Example:

  • Infinite Scroll
  • Related Posts
  • Many More…

Setting Up Front Page Like Demo

Follow the simple steps to setup front page like the demo of Anther theme.

Step 1: Block Editor (WordPress 5.0+)

Make sure you are using block editor not the classic editor.

Step 2: Plugin Installation

Install and Activate Anther Blocks Plugin. This plugin is shipped free with Anther theme.

Step 3: Create Page (Front Page)

  • Go to Pages > Add New
  • Give it title as you like e.g. Front Page
  • Use DesignOrbital Heading or DesignOrbital Featured Posts block
  • You can use as many blocks as you want. Demo has used six blocks of DesignOrbital Heading and DesignOrbital Featured Posts
  • Select Full Width Canvas template from the Page Attributes of editor sidebar
  • Publish Page

Step 4: Create Page (Blog Page)

  • Go to Pages > Add New
  • Give it title as you like e.g. Blog
  • Publish Page

Step 4: Front Page Settings

  • Go to Settings > Reading
  • Click Radio button labelled “A static page (select below)”
  • Select Front Page (You have created in Step 3) from the drop down menu of Homepage
  • Select Blog Page (You have created in Step 4) from the drop down menu of Posts page
  • Save Changes

Now visit the home page of your website/blog. You are done 🙂

Site Logo

Go to Customizer → Site Identity to add your site logo.

Theme Options

You’ll find Anther’s theme options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options.

General Options

You’ll find Anther’s general options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → General Options.

You can control the followings via the General Options.

  • Featured Image Size
  • Read More Label
  • Excerpt Length
  • Jetpack Posts Per Page

Header Options

You’ll find Anther’s header options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Header Options.

You can control the followings via the Header Options.

  • Header Appearance
  • Header Layout at Large Displays
  • Sticky Header Breakpoint
  • Enable Sticky Header
  • Enable Header Search

Layout Options

You’ll find Anther’s layout options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Layout Options.

You can control the followings via the Layout Options.

  • Theme Layout
  • Main Sidebar Position (if active)
  • Enable Sticky Sidebar
  • Archives Layout
  • Posts Layout
  • Pages Layout
  • Block Tweaks

Skin Options

You’ll find Anther’s skin options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Skin Options.

You can control the followings via the Skin Options.

  • Accent Color: It includes content links, entry meta icons, form buttons and some other areas.
  • Highlight Color

Font Options

You’ll find Anther’s fonts options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Font Options.

You can personalize theme typography with popular Google fonts via the Font Options.

  • Headings Font Family
  • Body Font Family
  • Site Hero Font Family
  • Branding Font Family
  • Menu Font Family
  • Widget Title Font Family
  • Extra Font Families

Site Hero Options

You’ll find Anther’s site hero options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Site Hero Options.

You can control the followings via the Site Hero Options.

  • Static Front Page Site Hero
  • Posts Page Site Hero
  • Blog Post Site Hero
  • Blog Page Site Hero

Content Options

You’ll find Anther’s content options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Content Options.

You can control the followings via the Content Options.

  • Author Bio
  • Post Details
  • Featured Images
  • Archive Details

Featured Content Options

Anther includes an eye-catching featured content area on the home page. Capture your visitors’ attention and lead them to specific posts or pages.

Here are some tips to help you get the featured content set up.

  1. Go to Customizer → Theme Options → Featured Content Options and add the featured tag, or a tag of your choice.
  2. Create or edit a post or page you wish to feature. Assign the special tag from step one to this post or page.
  3. Set a Featured Image for your post or page. Use big and beautiful featured images for the featured content area.
  4. Publish or Update the post or page.

Featured Content Posts will display in the header. You can control the display of these posts via Customizer → Theme Options → Site Hero Options.

Highlight Content Options

Anther includes an elegant highlight content area in the header. You can capture your visitors’ attention and lead them to specific posts or pages.

Here are some tips to help you get the highlight content set up.

  1. Go to Customizer → Theme Options → Highlight Content Options and add the highlight tag, or a tag of your choice. Anther supports three posts or pages in its highlight content area.
  2. Create or edit a post or page you wish to highlight. Assign the special tag from step one to this post or page.
  3. Set a Featured Image for your post or page. Use big and beautiful featured images for the highlight content area.
  4. Publish or Update the post or page.

Highlight Content Posts will display in the header. You can control the display of these posts via Customizer → Theme Options → Site Hero Options.

Manual Ad Options

You’ll find Anther’s Manual Ad Options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Manual Ad Options.

You can display Google AdSense ads or ads of other networks by using ad code in the given fields. You can also control the display of ads on single regular blog post, single regular blog page or single post of any post type by the given options.

Auto Ad Options

You’ll find Anther’s Auto Ad Options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Auto Ad Options.

You can display Google AdSense Auto Ads by using ad code in the given field.

Footer Options

You’ll find Anther’s footer options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Footer Options.

You can control the followings via the Footer Options.

  • Footer Appearance
  • Footer Sidebars (Unstack)
  • Footer Sidebars Width
  • Copyright
  • Display Designer Credit

Utility Options

You’ll find Anther’s Utility options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Utility Options.

You can control the followings vie the Utility Options.

  • Header Scripts
  • Body Scripts
  • Footer Scripts

Support Options

You’ll find Anther’s Support options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Support Options.

Featured Images

Anther supports Featured Images on blog posts and pages. They appear near the title on the blog index, archive and single pages. For best results, use an image at least 1500px wide and 1500px high.

If you upload larger Featured Images or images with different proportions, they will be automatically resized to match the required dimensions.

Add a Custom Header Image

Add a Custom Header image by going to Customizer → Header. Your uploaded image should be at least 250px tall. The width should be at least 1920px to provide a visually crisp background.

Add a Custom Background Image or Color

Add a Custom Background via Customizer → Background Image. Add a Custom Color via Customizer → Colors. You must choose the Box Layout via Customizer → Theme Options → Layout Options to see these changes.

Custom Menus

Anther allows you to have two Custom Menus, which can be set under Customizer → Menus.

Select the Header Menu location in the Menu Settings to display your Custom Menu in the header.

Select the Footer Menu location in the Menu Settings to display your Custom Menu in the footer. Footer Menu does not support child menus.

Social Links Menus

Anther allows you to display links to your social media profiles — like Twitter and Facebook — as icons using a Social Links Menu in two locations.

Select Social Menu Header location in the Menu Settings to display Social Menu in the header.

Select Social Menu Footer location in the Menu Settings to display Social Menu in the footer.

Read the full guide for setup instructions.

Available Icons

Linking to any of the following sites will automatically display it’s icon in your menu.

  • CodePen
  • Digg
  • Dribbble
  • Dropbox
  • Email (mailto: links)
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • FourSquare
  • GetPocket
  • GitHub
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit
  • RSS Feed (urls with /feed/)
  • Spotify
  • StumbleUpon
  • Tumblr
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • WordPress
  • YouTube

Widget Areas

Anther comes with five widget areas: one in the sidebar and up to four in the footer. The footer widget areas will activate once you add widgets to them in Customizer → Widgets.

Custom Widgets

Anther features three custom widgets:

Anther: Instagram

The Instagram widget displays Instagram images on the top of footer widgets. Go to Customizer → Widgets to use the Anther: Instagram widget.

Anther: Post Carousel

The Post Carousel widget displays the posts in a rotating slideshow with Featured Images. Go to Customizer → Widgets to use the Anther: Post Carousel widget.

Anther: Recent Posts

The Recent Posts widget displays posts alongside a small Featured Image. Go to Customizer → Widgets to use the Anther: Recent Posts widget.