Getting Started

DesignOrbital Page Builder uses WordPress Customizer as a page builder. User can design variety of pages by using the available custom widgets via the Customizer. DesignOrbital Page Builder is fast and very easy to use.

DesignOrbital Page Builder uses a custom page template i.e. DesignOrbital Page Builder. It will create a new widget area so that custom widgets can be used on that page.

Step 1: Assign the “DesignOrbital Page Builder” page template to a page

This step will create a new widget area for that page. You can then add widgets to this widget area via the WordPress Customizer or the Widgets page in the WordPress Admin. Managing widgets via the Customizer will help you to see the live changes. Following steps will help you,

  • Got to Pages → Add New
  • Give a title to the page e.g. Home Page One
  • Select “DesignOrbital Page Builder” template from the Template dropdown of the Page Attributes section
  • Publish the Page

Step 2: Adding Widgets to the page having “DesignOrbital Page Builder” page template

Step 1 will create a new widget area for that page. Now you can add widgets to this widget area by using one of the following method,

A. Via the Customizer

You will notice that WordPress editor is replaced with the DesignOrbital Page Builder section. You can click on Customize Page button to start adding widgets. When you will click Customize Page button, it will open WordPress customizer and the specific widget area will be focused automatically. Now you can start building a page by adding or managing the available custom widgets.

B. Via the Widgets page in the WordPress Admin

As explained in Step 1, DesignOrbital Page Builder will create standard widget area for that page. This widget area can be accessed via the widgets page in the WordPress admin. In our example, we have created a page with the name Home Page One, so a new widget area with the name Home Page One Widgets will be available in the widgets page in the WordPress admin. Following steps will help you,

  • Got to Appearance → Widgets
  • Find the specific widget area. Naming convention is {Page Title} {Widgets}

DesignOrbital Page Builder Custom Widgets

DesignOrbital themes may have different custom widgets. You can say themes will have,

  1. Common Custom Widgets
  2. Theme specific Custom Widgets

DesignOrbital Page Builder Common Custom Widgets

Here is the list of Custom Widgets which are common in the all themes of DesignOrbital,

  1. Contact Form Widget
  2. Counter Widget
  3. Embed Videos, Autio etc Widget
  4. General Block Widget
  5. General Card Widget
  6. General Feature Widget
  7. Post Block Widget
  8. Post Card Widget
  9. Post Slider Widget
  10. Shortcode Widget

Wisteria Theme Custom Widgets

Here is the list of Custom Widgets which are specific to Wisteria theme,

  1. General Grid Widget
  2. Post Grid Widget

All the themes of DesignOrbital are not supporting DesignOrbital Page Builder at the moment.