Re: Any documentation for Baleen?



Are there any other features that are hidden away?

Baleen has no hidden features. You can extend any element by using its API.

Is it possible to zoom the map in a little.

Baleen is using Gmap3 Plugin for Google Maps. You can visit there site to explore the options.

Baleen has integrated following options for Google Map.

map: {
options: {
zoom: 7,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: [google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, ‘KAMN-location-gmap’]
mapTypeId: ‘KAMN-location-gmap’,
mapTypeControl: true,
navigationControl: true,
streetViewControl: true,
scrollwheel: 0

So, you can control Zoom, Scroolwheel etc here.

[B]Baleen seems potentially very useful but would benefit from just a few notes explaining things like this.[/B]

We are working on another powerful Bootstrap WordPress theme, and we will document about Baleen and new one soon.

Thanks.[CODE]map: {
options: {
zoom: 7,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: [google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, ‘KAMN-location-gmap’]
mapTypeId: ‘KAMN-location-gmap’,
mapTypeControl: true,
navigationControl: true,
streetViewControl: true,
scrollwheel: 0

So, you can control Zoom, Scroolwheel etc here.

Baleen seems potentially very useful but would benefit from just a few notes explaining things like this.

We are working on another powerful Bootstrap WordPress theme, and we will document about Baleen and new one soon.
