Re: Questions About Using Flex Slider


Hello Jim,

I would like to create a post with three images in a flex slider and a fourth image that is inserted in the body of the post but not included in the flex slider. Is this possible to do?

In Contango WordPress Theme, Gallery post format is specially designed to display images as slider. In this logic, Contango gets all images attached to a post and set them in slider intelligently.

As per your question, you will be able to insert an image to the Gallery post without appearing in the slider as follows,

– Go to Media > Add New
– Upload image to the Media Library
– Edit this image, so you will be able to find its URL
– Copy the File URL of this image

* Now

– Go to your gallery post
– Insert this image directly in the editor without Add Media button. Following code snippet will help you to insert this image in the editor.


[QUOTE]If I upload an image to the media library and attach it to a post, is it possible to remove the image from that post without permanently deleting it from the library and having to upload it again? If a user is editing and saving drafts as they are creating a post, there should be flexibility to do that.[/QUOTE]

This question is related to WordPress core. Following plugin may be helpful to you.



If I upload an image to the media library and attach it to a post, is it possible to remove the image from that post without permanently deleting it from the library and having to upload it again? If a user is editing and saving drafts as they are creating a post, there should be flexibility to do that.

This question is related to WordPress core. Following plugin may be helpful to you.
