Re: Translate Contango child theme


Hi Admin
That didn’t work for me, so I’ve put my translated strings inside the functions.php and that worked !

[PHP]function change_translate_text( $translated ) {
$text = array(
‘1 Comment’ => ‘1 Kommentar’,
‘% Comments’ => ‘% Kommentarer’,
‘Edit’ => ‘Rediger’,
“The following is a list of the latest posts from the blog. Maybe it will help you find what you’re looking for.” => ‘Følgende liste viser de seneste indlæg. Måske vil det hjælpe dig med at finde det du søger.’,
‘Reply’ => ‘Svar’,
‘said:’ => ‘skrev:’,
‘Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.’ => ‘Intet fundet’,
‘nothing found’ => ‘Intet Fundet’,
‘Search for:’ => ‘Søg efter:’,
‘search’ => ‘Søg’,
‘Leave a comment’ => ‘Skriv en kommentar’

$translated = str_ireplace( array_keys($text), $text, $translated );
return $translated;
add_filter( ‘gettext’, ‘change_translate_text’, 20 );[/PHP]