Candela WordPress Theme

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    Getting Started

    Thanks for your interest in Candela! We truly appreciate the opportunity to share our themes with you. If you have any questions or run into any trouble, please visit us on the Candela Support Forum. We’ll get you fixed up!

    Upon activating your theme, you should visit the Customizer under Appearance → Customize to set up the basic theme settings, such as your background color, a header/logo image, or a Custom Menu.

    Detailed instructions and tips can be found below.

    Required Plugin

    Jetpack is required plugin for Candela WordPress theme. Jetpack is comprehensive and free plugin by which provides you several features under one roof.

    Setting Up the Site Logo

    Here are some tips to help you get the site logo set up.

    1. Go to Appearance → Customize → Site Title, Tagline & Logo to add your site logo.

    Setting Up the Portfolio Custom Post Type

    Here are some tips to help you get the portfolio custom post type set up.

    1. Install & Activate Jetpack WordPress plugin. This plugin is required for portfolio custom post type.
    2. Go to Jetpack → Settings → Writing and activate Custom Content Types.
    3. You will find Portfolio custom post type in the WordPress admin menu.

    Setting Up your Portfolio Posts

    Candela takes advantage of the Portfolio feature on, offering unique layouts and organization for your portfolio projects.

    With a dedicated Portfolio section in your dashboard, adding portfolio items is simple. Check out this guide for full details on how to set up your portfolio.

    People love full-size images of your work, so make sure the images you include are at least 1000px wide. Candela displays these images beautifully.

    Featured Images

    Featured Images are important in Candela. They work best when they are at least 1000px wide and will appear in several places, including archive pages, portfolio page template, and portfolio shortcodes, so, don’t forget to add one!

    Portfolio Shortcodes

    Once you create a project, you can use the portfolio shortcode to display it anywhere on your site. Adding the [portfolio] shortcode to any post or page will insert your project. Learn more about working with the portfolio shortcode.

    Setting Up the Portfolio Home Page with Portfolio Page Template

    This template will display your portfolio and allow you to set your portfolio as your site’s home page.

    When you first activate Candela, your posts will display in a traditional blog format. If you would like to show your portfolio projects on the front page of your site (like Candela’s demo site), just follow these instructions:

    1. Create or Edit a page, and assign it to the Portfolio Page Template from the Page Attributes module:
    2. Go to Settings → Reading and set “Front page displays” to “A static page”.
    3. Select your portfolio page as the “Front page,” and then choose another page as the “Posts page,” (to display your blog posts).

    By default, page title and content will appear. You can hide them if you prefer by going to Appearance → Customize → Theme Options and uncheck “Show title and content on Portfolio Page Template” option.

    Where is the portfolio archive page?

    Along with the Portfolio Page Template, your projects will be displayed on portfolio archive pages.

    If your blog’s URL is, you’ll find your portfolio archive page at

    If you’d like to add your portfolio archive page to your a Custom Menu, create a custom link using the portfolio archive URL.

    Theme Options

    You can use the handy theme options to personalize Candela. You’ll find Candela’s options in the Customizer, under Appearance → Customize → Theme Options.

    Here is a brief rundown of the settings in the Theme Options menu:

    Theme Layout

    You can use Candela‘s default wide layout or personalize it with beautiful backgrounds using the boxed layout.

    • Go to Appearance → Customize → Theme Options.
    • Select Wide or Box from the Theme Layout drop down.

    Wide Layout

    Candela will cover the full screen width in wide-layout mode. Any background color or background image will not be visible using wide-layout mode.

    Box Layout

    Candela will wrap the content in a box. This option is best if you want to use a background color or background image for your website.

    Portfolio Page Template Title & Content

    By default, page title and content will appear on the Portfolio Page Tempalte. You can hide/show them via “Show title and content on Portfolio Page Template” option.

    Featured Images

    Candela supports Featured Images on blog posts. Featured Images appear above the title on the blog index and archive pages. For an optimal result provide an image at least 1618px wide and 1076px high.

    If you upload larger Featured Images or images with different proportions, they will be automatically resized to match the specific image dimensions noted above. On single posts, your Featured Images are displayed at the larger size, so you can have big, beautiful Featured Images in your posts.

    Add a Custom Header Image

    Add a Custom Header Image to your site by going to Appearance → Customize → Header.

    First, upload a new image or choose one from your media library. Once uploaded, you will have the opportunity to crop the image and set a few more options.

    Note: Your uploaded image should be at least 275 pixels tall. The width should be at least 1920 pixels to provide a crisp background.

    Add a Custom Background Image or Color

    Add a Custom Background to your site by going to Appearance → Customize → Background.

    Similar to the Custom Header Image, you can either upload a new image or choose one from your media library. Once you’ve chosen your image, you will have several options for displaying the background. You can also choose a background color instead of an image.

    Custom Menus

    Candela allows you to have a Custom Menu. It can be set up by going to Appearance → Menus.

    Don’t forget to tick Primary Menu in the Menu Settings; if the option isn’t ticked, Candela won’t display any menu in its header.

    Social Icons

    Candela allows you display links to your social media profiles, like Twitter and Facebook, as icons using a Custom Menu.

    Set up the menu

    To automatically apply icons to your links, simply create a new custom menu. Next, add each of your social links to this menu. Each menu item should be added as a custom link.

    Once your menu is created and your social links added, you need to select Social Links Menu in the Menu Settings; if the option isn’t selected, Candela will not display the menu in the overlay.

    Candela will automatically apply an icon if it’s available.

    Available icons

    Linking to any of the following sites will automatically display its icon in your menu.

    • Codepen
    • Digg
    • Dribbble
    • Dropbox
    • Facebook
    • Flickr
    • GitHub
    • Google+
    • Instagram
    • LinkedIn
    • Email (mailto: links)
    • Pinterest
    • Skype
    • Stumbleupon
    • Reddit
    • RSS Feed (urls with /feed/)
    • StumbleUpon
    • Tumblr
    • Twitter
    • Vimeo
    • WordPress
    • YouTube

    Widget Areas
    Candela comes with four widget areas — one in the sidebar, and up to three in the footer. The footer widget areas will activate once you add widgets to them in Appearance → Widgets.

    Candela Widgets
    Candela comes with two custom widgets.

    Post List (Candela) Widget

    The Post List widget will display posts from a category of your choosing alongside a small Featured Image. Go to Appearance → Widgets to use the Post List (Candela) widget.

    Project List (Candela) Widget

    The Project List widget will display portfolio posts from a category of your choosing alongside a small Featured Image. Go to Appearance → Widgets to use the Project List (Candela) widget.

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