Custom hero by category

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  • #712

    I have a request for customizing a single category page so that it displays the hero image similarly to the index page. The other category pages will not display the hero image.

    Are there settings in the theme which will allow me to do this without having to resort to significant coding? I have a custom template for that category but got deep in the weeds trying to customize the page header for it.


    A bit more background: the request is to pin a post to the top of the page, formatted with a hero image. I use the ‘featured’ tag on the index page for this purpose.



    I have a custom template for that category but got deep in the weeds trying to customize the page header for it.

    I have forward this question to our development team. They might be able to share a solution with you.

    A bit more background: the request is to pin a post to the top of the page,

    You can make a post sticky so it will stay at the top. OR, you might any other solution ?


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