Full Width Widgetized Page Query

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  • #536

    I have a blank page and have chosen the ‘full width widgetized template from the page attributes.
    It’s probably something simple, but how do I add widgets to this page?

    ( I might have jumped the gun here – I’ve just found a tutorial that covers this, so might not need help! I am learning!!)

    ( I might have jumped the gun here – I’ve just found a tutorial that covers this, so might not need help! I am learning!!)

    Thanks for the feedback.


    I have the same question, and I have not found it. The tutorials are all two years old, and do not provide enough info. Every one I have tried is not working as expected. You need to make Youtube videos to show this stuff. I see the same posts from others having troubles.

    Sorry to be negative, but after paying for a theme, you’d think it should do what it was supposed to. I am running a plain site with no fancy add ons, and I can’t get Widgetized page to work. I just get unformatted junk on the left. The custom sidebar does not look like a sidebar at all. Almost like there is no CSS.


    Sorry, if you are unable to setup your theme.
    Please share your blog url and give me exact layout which you want to get. You may refer any layout of Contango Demo, so i will be able to explain it to you.

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