How To Create Front Page In DesignOrbital WordPress Themes

WordPress Themes, Plugins and HTML Templates Forums Tutorials How To Create Front Page In DesignOrbital WordPress Themes

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    WordPress is a powerful software which allows to display different front page instead of traditional blog page.

    DesignOrbital themes use this built-in power of WordPress beautifully by giving special page template named “Front Page Template” This Front Page Template is fully widgetized so users can create the unique and cool front page layouts according to their own taste.

    Step 1: Create a Front Page with Front Page Template

    • Go to Appearance > Pages > Add New
    • Enter the Title “Front Page” and Leave the editor empty
    • Select “Front Page Template” in the template drop down of Page Attributes
    • Publish the Page

    Step 2: Create a Blog Page for traditional Blog Posts

    • Go to Appearance > Pages > Add New
    • Enter the Title “Blog” and Leave the editor empty
    • Publish the Page with the “Default” template

    Step 3: Reading Settings

    • Go to Settings > Reading
    • Select “Static Page” radio box of Front Page displays
    • Select “Front Page” for the Front page drop down menu
    • Select “Blog” for the Posts page drop down menu
    • Save Changes

    So, we have created a different front page and blog page for your website.

    What’s Next

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