My background image is not working

WordPress Themes, Plugins and HTML Templates Forums Candela WordPress Theme My background image is not working

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    Can you please explain how to make the background image work? And what are the recommended dimensions for background images? I have tried a few different file types and it is not working, in the customizer. Is there a setting somewhere to switch-on perhaps? Thanks in advance for your help!



    Can you please explain how to make the background image work?

    Background image will appear when the theme layout is set to Box and device viewport size is greater than 1200px.

    I have tried a few different file types and it is not working, in the customizer.

    In the customizer, viewport size usually drops from 1200px due to sidebar so the background changes will not be visible in the Customizer.

    Why we set minimum width to 1200px.

    Background image will look good at large displays. At large displays, we have enough room to show the background images along with content.
    At smaller displays like iPhone, iPad etc, we have no much room for background images so it is not good idea to show the background image.


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