Site Hero on static home page

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  • #702


    I was having problems getting the hero image to show when using a static page as my home page. I think the problem comes from the following code in template-tags.php

    function anemone_has_site_hero_single_page() {
    if ( anemone_mod( ‘anemone_sitehero_single_page’ ) && is_page() && ! anemone_has_front_page() ) {
    return true;
    return false;

    If I remove the !anemone_has_front_page check, the image shows as intended.

    Is there something wrong with my setup or is this just a minor bug in the template?

    Anyway, thank you for a cool template.

    BR, Leo

    ps. It would be nice to have model content / a model setup to compare to when starting to use the theme.


    Hi Leo.
    Thanks for your detailed response.

    Is there something wrong with my setup or is this just a minor bug in the template?

    No, this is not a bug. Anemone doest not support Featured Image site hero when you have static front page and blog post page. Why ?

    • Anemone offer Featured Content. So, you can easily setup Featured Content for your static front page and blog post page.
    • It can be fine to get Featured Image for static front page but getting Featured Image for blog post page makes no sense. As blog post page, uses to fetch latest posts and has no intend to use its content.
    ps. It would be nice to have model content / a model setup to compare to when starting to use the theme.

    Yes, we do offer sample XML on request. As our themes have smart and easy to use options without bells and whistles, so the setup of our themes is very easy and straight.

    Anyway, thank you for a cool template.

    Thanks a lot for the appreciation of Anemone theme :)



    thank you for the reply. Now I managed to get it working.

    I hadn’t really understood how the featured content setup worked based on the documentation, but I’m new to wordpress, so that might affect this.

    If I may make a suggestion, would it make sense to display the featured image on a static front page if no featured content is set? Now setting a featured image for the page has no effect, which led to me going through the code looking for the reason.

    – L –



    Thanks for the valuable suggestion.
    I have passed it to our development team. They will be able to consider it again and will implement if possible.

    Best :)

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