Widget arrangement on mobile displays

WordPress Themes, Plugins and HTML Templates Forums Contango WordPress Theme Widget arrangement on mobile displays

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    I am using Contango Pro on my website, but I am not satisfied with the arrangement of the page elements on mobile screens. I want to be able to move certain widgets (namely the Welcome box) to the top of the page, but only on mobile devices, and not on desktops. Currently, all of the widgets just go right to the bottom of the page on mobile devices, where they’ll likely never be seen. Is there any way to solve this?



    I guess, you are referring the sidebar widgets. You have Welcome, Subscribe etc widgets in the sidebar.

    Currently, all of the widgets just go right to the bottom of the page on mobile devices, where they’ll likely never be seen. Is there any way to solve this?

    Mobile devices have very small display. On small displays, theme focus on the more important part of the website or blog i.e. content. Content should remain in focus regarding to user, search engine and SEO point as well.

    It is not possible to align Content and Sidebar, side by side on the small viewports.

    I hope, it will help you.


    Thanks for the reply.

    I’d be happy if I could just put the Welcome widget on the top of the page on mobiles, but I guess this would involve creating a new widget area?



    It requires a theme customization.
    I will suggest, not to have this change. However, you need to consider the Archive and Single pages layout carefully while doing this.


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