WordPress Themes, Plugins and HTML Templates › Forums › Arcane WordPress Theme › General Question › Re: General Question
These are called tweak settings. Yes, you need to write small CSS code snippets with the help of our team. Please note, never change the style.css directly. Please follow the simple steps to add your CSS.
1. Install and Activate Jetpack plugin.
2. Activate Custom CSS module.
3. Go to Appearance > Edit CSS to enter your CSS Code Snippet.
For Example:
I want to change the Color of the Main-nav
/* Top Site Bar */
.site-bar {
background-color: #76c5ad;
/* Top Bar Social Icons Border */
.site-social-menu ul li {
border-left: 1px solid #c2ecdd;
.site-social-menu ul li:last-child {
border-right: 1px solid #c2ecdd;
/* Bottom Site Info */
.site-info {
background: #76c5ad;
[QUOTE]Additionally, my Website Logo is 200×200 px big, baut when I Upload it, it is much smaller and I dont see an Option to correct that – exept Code in css…[/QUOTE]
Arcane has the dimension 560×140 (width x height). This dimension will make logo sharp on the Retina displays as well. If you make the logo with the above dimension it will adjust with the maximum height of 70 pixel.
For the support of Retina displays, we have recommended the logo with the twice dimensions. So, the rendering dimension of logo in the Arcane theme will be 280×70.
I will recommend to make your logo with the 560 x 140 dimensions and try to cover the every pixel so it will stay large and sharp finally. Give a try and you will understand that how can you make your logo bigger.
Thanks[CODE]/* Top Site Bar */
.site-bar {
background-color: #76c5ad;
/* Top Bar Social Icons Border */
.site-social-menu ul li {
border-left: 1px solid #c2ecdd;
.site-social-menu ul li:last-child {
border-right: 1px solid #c2ecdd;
/* Bottom Site Info */
.site-info {
background: #76c5ad;
Arcane has the dimension 560×140 (width x height). This dimension will make logo sharp on the Retina displays as well. If you make the logo with the above dimension it will adjust with the maximum height of 70 pixel.
For the support of Retina displays, we have recommended the logo with the twice dimensions. So, the rendering dimension of logo in the Arcane theme will be 280×70.
I will recommend to make your logo with the 560 x 140 dimensions and try to cover the every pixel so it will stay large and sharp finally. Give a try and you will understand that how can you make your logo bigger.