Re: Issues with Farad theme setup



1. I can only get the widgets to work on the home page template. All the custom widgets I have added to pages with Full Width Widgetized Layout display nothing. E.g. services, portfolio and clients all have the same issue. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

Briefly, you have to follow the following step sequence for creating different layouts using Full Width Widgetized Template

1. Create Custom Sidebar via Appearance > Farad Options > Sidebar Settings
2. Create a page with Full Width Widgetized Template and assign that sidebar to this page
3. Add relevant widgets to your newly created sidebar via Appearance > Widgets

Please follow this tutorial for detail

2. On some of the pages there is an automatic big banner heading. E.g. About page has ‘BLOG’ written in green banner on the top. How can I remove this??

Go to Appearance > Farad Options > Blog Settings to control theses headings

3. On home page portfolio widget is displaying wierdly – nothing at all like the demo site. How can this be fixed to display like the demo site?

I think we have fixed it by accessing your control panel via Email support.
