A few questions; Nav Bar; Colors; Blog Roll

WordPress Themes, Plugins and HTML Templates Forums Contango WordPress Theme A few questions; Nav Bar; Colors; Blog Roll

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  • #418

    Purchased your theme about a week ago; I love it…so easy to use and very customizable. Have a few questions I hope you could give me answers to though…

    How do I center the navigation menu buttons? Am I able to change the color of the background of this bar as well?

    How do I change side bar text colors? For example I want the “About, Social Media, etc” title of the sidebar a different color from everything else?

    I know I can change the color of the background of my blog roll, but is there a way to put a colored stroke around the whole blog roll?

    These are it for now. Even though it is not live yet, here is my site…dishingouthealth.com; I have attached a screen shot of the site though. I’m pretty familiar with HTML and CSS so that maybe help change these options that I would like. Thank you! Hope to hear from you soon.



    How do I center the navigation menu buttons?

    It is not easy to center the navigation menu links/buttons with simple text-aling:center; We are working on it to make it more easy via options panel. This option will be added in the incoming version soon.

    Am I able to change the color of the background of this bar as well?

    Locate and make changes in the following code in the style.css nearly on LINE 141 under the section =Header

    #nav {
    width: 100%;
    background: #fff;
    border: solid 1px #c8c8c8;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.15);
    -moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.15);
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.15);

    [B]How do I change side bar text colors? For example I want the “About, Social Media, etc” title of the sidebar a different color from everything else? [/B]

    Locate and make changes in the following code in the style.css nearly on LINE 1806 under the section =Widgets

    [CODE]#sidebar .widget-title,
    #footer_sidebars .widget-title {
    font-size: 18px;
    line-height: 20px;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    padding: 0 0 12px 0;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #2f2f2f;

    [B]I know I can change the color of the background of my blog roll, but is there a way to put a colored stroke around the whole blog roll?[/B]

    Please explain, which is the section you are referring as blog roll ?

    Thanks[CODE]#nav {
    width: 100%;
    background: #fff;
    border: solid 1px #c8c8c8;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.15);
    -moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.15);
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.15);

    How do I change side bar text colors? For example I want the “About, Social Media, etc” title of the sidebar a different color from everything else?

    Locate and make changes in the following code in the style.css nearly on LINE 1806 under the section =Widgets

    #sidebar .widget-title,
    #footer_sidebars .widget-title {
    font-size: 18px;
    line-height: 20px;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    padding: 0 0 12px 0;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #2f2f2f;

    [B]I know I can change the color of the background of my blog roll, but is there a way to put a colored stroke around the whole blog roll?[/B]

    Please explain, which is the section you are referring as blog roll ?

    Thanks[CODE]#sidebar .widget-title,
    #footer_sidebars .widget-title {
    font-size: 18px;
    line-height: 20px;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    padding: 0 0 12px 0;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #2f2f2f;

    I know I can change the color of the background of my blog roll, but is there a way to put a colored stroke around the whole blog roll?

    Please explain, which is the section you are referring as blog roll ?



    Thank you for the quick reply and answers!

    As for the blog roll stroke question…what I mean is if I wanted to outline my blog roll box, the one left of the sidebar, how would I do that?

    Let me know if that explains what I’m looking for well enough.

    Also, do you have any idea as to when the next update will be? For the time being, what do you suggest I do about my navigation bar not being centered? Is there a way to space out the buttons so it takes up the space of the bar?

    Thanks again!



    As for the blog roll stroke question…what I mean is if I wanted to outline my blog roll box, the one left of the sidebar, how would I do that?

    Yes, you may style any part of sidebar by following the simple steps,

    – Have a look to the source code.
    – Identify the specific block e.g blogroll
    – Style this block with its specific ID or Class. (You may write your style code in the style.css file)

    Also, do you have any idea as to when the next update will be?

    I am hopeful that this update should be released in the next 3 to 4 weeks.

    For the time being, what do you suggest I do about my navigation bar not being centered? Is there a way to space out the buttons so it takes up the space of the bar?

    Yes, you may add spaces before and after the label to increase the box width of a link,

         Home     [/CODE]

    Thanks[CODE]     Home     [/CODE]



    Cool, thank you. I’ve completed the changes that I wanted.

    One more question…for now…in the footer when I hyperlink a part of the text it then goes to dishingouthealth.com/the my url. How do I make it just link to the URL I want?

    Thank you!!!!!



    One more question…for now…in the footer when I hyperlink a part of the text it then goes to dishingouthealth.com/the my url. How do I make it just link to the URL I want?

    Please follow the simple steps,

    – Appearance > Contango Options > Footer Settings > Use Copyright > Yes
    – Enter Copyright Text (e.g. http://designorbital.com/”>Contango WordPress Theme) you wish to display in the footer.

    Above settings will override default copyright text.



    How did you make the background go on the entire site? The ones I am working on tend to just put the backgrounds on the site, not actually on the background of the middle column.



    If your question is about the body background of entire site, please follow the simple steps,

    Contango Demo has the following settings

    1. Appearance > Contango Options > Layout Settings > Layout > Wide
    2. Appearance > Background >[You may choose either Background Image or Background Color for the entire site]



    Icon question…

    Am I able to put font awesome icons into my posts? I’ve tried to put the code in as well as just the icon name. My site went live by the way…dishingouthealth.com.

    Thanks for making your theme easy to use and for all the support. Ready for the next update. Thanks!


    Your website is superb, and you have made the Contango to the next level by the simplicity and clean content. I really like the header of your website.

    Am I able to put font awesome icons into my posts? I’ve tried to put the code in as well as just the icon name.

    Yes, you can use Font Awesome icons which are built-in by Contango.


    You have to use the FONTAWESOME 3.2.1 CODES till the next update of Contango.

    // Example

    This is compass icon.[/CODE]

    [B]Thanks for making your theme easy to use and for all the support. [/B]

    Thanks to you as well as a happy Customer, We request you to introduce Contango to your network.

    [B]Ready for the next update. Thanks![/B]

    Next update is highly expected in the mid of December with several updates.

    Thanks[CODE]// Example

    This is compass icon.[/CODE]

    Thanks for making your theme easy to use and for all the support.

    Thanks to you as well as a happy Customer, We request you to introduce Contango to your network.

    Ready for the next update. Thanks!

    Next update is highly expected in the mid of December with several updates.



    Thank you for the quick response. However I am still having problems with icons in posts. I pasted the code you gave me…didn’t work. As well I tried different ways using the Font Awesome 3.2.1 codes. Not sure what I am doing wrong?

    Actually I might be in the wrong…I’ve been trying to place an icon into a page…not a post. But shouldn’t it be the same?

    Thanks for the feedback on my site as well!!



    WordPress editor removes EMPTY SPAN or DIV or any other element automatically. Try the following PRO steps,

    – Switch to Text mode of editor
    – Write the span tag in any of the following ways with a single space in-between,


    Now switch back to Visual mode and than Text mode to verify that span tag is not removing automatically.
    Update the post, and enjoy with the icon.


    Now switch back to Visual mode and than Text mode to verify that span tag is not removing automatically.
    Update the post, and enjoy with the icon.


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