Change Footer Link Color

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  • #458

    How would I change the footer link color to something brighter?


    How would I change the font color of the home page image rotator? It’s currently white and difficult to read.

    Thanks much,



    Hi Bryan,

    How would I change the footer link color to something brighter?

    It is easy to customize via style.css. You may change the footer link colors at the Footer section of style.css

    | =Footer

    #footer a,
    #footer a:visited {

    #footer a:hover,
    #footer a:focus {

    [B]How would I change the font color of the home page image rotator? It’s currently white and difficult to read.[/B]

    If you are talking about Flexslider or Nivo Slider as Image Rotator than you may modify the respective stylesheets. You may locate these scripts in “contango/lib/js”

    [B]Extend Settings[/B]

    You may also write your custom styles in the Custom Style(s) box of Extend Settings. Extend Settings can be found at,

    Go to – Appearance > Contango Options > Extends Settings


    | =Footer


    #footer a,
    #footer a:visited {

    #footer a:hover,
    #footer a:focus {

    How would I change the font color of the home page image rotator? It’s currently white and difficult to read.

    If you are talking about Flexslider or Nivo Slider as Image Rotator than you may modify the respective stylesheets. You may locate these scripts in “contango/lib/js”

    Extend Settings

    You may also write your custom styles in the Custom Style(s) box of Extend Settings. Extend Settings can be found at,

    Go to – Appearance > Contango Options > Extends Settings


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