Footer Tail

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  • #319


    Love the simplicity of this theme. But I’ve been having trouble with having the footer tail appear when I use the default page template as a page option. It also seems the default page template option is the only way to include a sidebar? Would you be able to tell me how I can make sure the footer tail is appearing on the pages I would like to include a sidebar?



    Thanks Sobrien,
    Let me try to explain your points,

    Footer Tail Concept:

    1. Footer Tail of Prana Pro contains Social Media Icons and Copyright block. It can easily be enabled/disabled via Appearance > Prana Options > Footer Settings.
    2. Footer Tail is a GLOBAL option which will be appeared site-wide at every place like Home Page, Blog Pages/Posts etc

    I’ve been having trouble with having the footer tail appear when I use the default page template as a page option.

    It should appear on pages – please make sure that you have enabled the Footer Tail in the Appearance > Parana Options > Footer Settings

    It also seems the default page template option is the only way to include a sidebar?

    You will notice TWO built-in sidebars in the Prana Pro Appearance > Wedgets

    1. Primary Sidebar

    Primary Sidebar is common for both pages and posts.

    2. Page Sidebar

    If you wish to display separate sidebar for your pages than you can drag and drop widgets here. Please note,

    1. If Page Sidebar has widgets than it will take control and Page Sidebar widgets will start displaying at pages by overriding the Primary Sidebar
    2. If Page Sidebar has no widgets than your pages will start displaying widgets of Primary Sidebar

    Please feel free to ask additional questions.
    Enjoy! and thanks for the appreciation of Prana Pro design.


    Thank you for the reply. The footer tail is enabled in Appearance > Prana Options > Footer Settings, however it’s only appearing on the front page still and not pages with a sidebar?


    Hello Sobrien,
    Thanks of your feedback and attachments.

    I am observing “Empty Twitter Widget” at the sidebar of Contact page. Please deactivate the Twitter widget and post me the results.

    Why should you deactivate the Twitter Widget?

    I strongly believe, that execution halts at Twitter Widget and it stops to display the next things like Next Widget, Footer, Footer Tail etc.
    Waiting for your feedback.


    Great! Deactivating the Twitter widget worked.

    Also, yes, I do need to update to version 1.3.

    Thanks again!


    How do you go about updating to version 1.3? WordPress keeps giving me an error message. Also, is automatic update available?


    Thanks for the feedback.

    Following thread will be helpful to you regarding to upgrading the theme.


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