Page numbers are disappeared

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  • #519

    I can see only 10 first posts and have no ability to navigate to the next posts There are no navigation buttons or ‘older post button’. Could you please tell me how to activate it?


    ok, i’ve fixed this. but now i can see little text link ‘older posts’. Can I customize it somehow? I’d like to get button or something, because that text is not very visible for site visitors



    Can I customize it somehow?

    Yes, you can customize the look and feel of navigation links. Please follow the simple steps,

    – Go to `Appearance > Customize > Theme Custom CSS`
    – You can override the theme style of Paging Navigation here.
    – Example…

    .paging-navigation .nav-links a {
    font-size: 22px;
    font-size: 2.2rem;

    [B]I’d like to get button or something, because that text is not very visible for site visitors[/B]

    Now, you can style the Paging Navigation links to anything you want with the help of Theme Custom CSS.

    Thanks[CODE].paging-navigation .nav-links a {
    font-size: 22px;
    font-size: 2.2rem;

    I’d like to get button or something, because that text is not very visible for site visitors

    Now, you can style the Paging Navigation links to anything you want with the help of Theme Custom CSS.


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