Remove sidebars/widgets from blog page and blog posts

WordPress Themes, Plugins and HTML Templates Forums Prana WordPress Theme Remove sidebars/widgets from blog page and blog posts

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  • #434

    I cannot find any way to remove the sidebar or the widgets in the sidebar from the blog page and individual blog posts.

    In my Blog Options there is only navigation style.
    In my Post Settings there is no option to remove them either.
    In my Widgets section there is also no option to remove them. I only have a page sidebar for widgets insertion. There is no similar blog section from which to remove the widgets in blog pages.

    This is also a little annoying as there is a large advert for Prana ‘Kamn’ embedded on the page, that I do not want on my own corporate website. Please can you advise me how to proceed and remove the offending widgets.

    Warmest regards


    Hi Royston,

    I cannot find any way to remove the sidebar or the widgets in the sidebar from the blog page and individual blog posts.

    I think, you are asking Blog layout without Sidebar. If this was your question, than Blog with single column is not supported in Prana, and we have not mentioned this feature in Prana Pro features.

    This is also a little annoying as there is a large advert for Prana ‘Kamn’ embedded on the page, that I do not want on my own corporate website.

    We have not embedded any code or advertisement on any page. We have a sample copyright text which can easily be changed via Prana Options. If i am missing something, please point me in the right direction so i will be able to look into the matter.

    Please can you advise me how to proceed and remove the offending widgets.

    I think, in this question you want to replace default widgets in the Primary Sidebar / Page Sidebar of Prana. Please follow the simple steps,

    – Go to Appearance > Widgets
    Drag any widget e.g. Categories and Drop it in the Primary Sidebar
    – Default widgets will automatically be replaced with your own.

    In this way, you can drop widgets of your own choice and customize your blog with your own taste.

    Feel free to ask additional questions.


    Thank you for very quick your reply, much appreciated. It would be great if you had some sort of tutorial because this is not particularly intuitive (Primary Sidebar as Blog Sidebar) and nowhere on your website’s support section I was able to find this information.



    Thanks for your feedback.

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