Several questions

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  • #4169

    Hi. I still develop my site offline and i have several question:

    1. How to create clean page? I mean to create page that will not have blog or similarly bar on top and in which i can add content with text, images, videos and so on. And to make this without removing Blog or other bars on top of other pages. I try with Full Width Widgetized Template by adding Contango Text widget and than put HTML from WordPress editor. Code include text and image. Results are good but i am not sure that this i right way and editing is bad.

    2. When i add Contango Text widget in footer the text do not want to wrap. It is in one line and i can not see whole text. I use same widget and text as you use in your demo page. How to wrap text?

    3. How to remove To Top arrow without remove Footer Tail?

    4. How to change Text that appear when mouse over To Top arrow?

    5. How to make progress bars to moves from 0 to 100%, not from 100 to 0?

    6. How to make parent menu link that not open nothing like Pages menu link in your demo?

    Thank You

    Whit Respect
    Zoran Velinov



    1. If the concept of Clean Page is a Canvas Page (blank page without any header or other stuff), than you have to create your own Page Template. Yes, you can use Widgets or Plain HTML by using Full Width Widgetized Template.

    2. Contango Text widget is designed for Full Width Widgetized Template. You can use Standard WordPress Text widget in the footer.

    3,4. Please share your blog url, So i will be able to share CSS Snippet with you.

    5. It will need to change JS file. I will forward it to the Dev team, they might be able to share a JS code.

    6. You can add “#” sign in the Custom Menu Custom Links URL, It will prevent the link to open.

    Hope it will help you.


    Thank you for answer

    Now 2 and 6 are ok. About others:

    1. To be more clear. I like template like Full Width Open Template and Full Width Template just without this Blog bar on top. But not to do this in Contango Options > Blog Settings > Singular Sub-Heading > no, because this will remove Blog bar from other pages where need to stay. If i need to make new templates please tell me how.

    3 and 4. I can not share url because my web site is still in development offline, with Wamp Server. But i told you about this move to top arrow on the bottom right. See image:

    If just image is not enough than i will write you when my web site will be onlyne.

    5. If they do this it will be nice. Even better if they tell how to remove numbers and % at the end of the bars 🙂

    Thank you

    With Respect
    Zoran Velinov



    And question number 1 is solved.


    1. Go to your-site-folder\wp-content\themes\contango-pro

    2. Make copy of template-full-width-open.php

    3. Open this template in some text editor.

    4. In line 3 change Template Name: Full Width Open Template to what you want(Important: if you do not change name, new template will not show in template list.

    5. In line 10 comment get_template_part( ‘loop-meta’ );. This removes blog bar in tmplate(thanks to my friend)

    Now remain questions 3,4,5 and i have new, 7.

    7. Why my text in sub-menus is in 2 lines? Length of text is less than some in your Demo page. See picture:

    Thank you



    About Blog Bar at Fullwidth or other Templates:

    I think, there is no Blog Bar when you use any template. For Example,

    Home Page 2

    Further, your solution will work if you have edited the code.

    3. How to remove To Top arrow without remove Footer Tail?

    Please use the following CSS Snippet,

    /* Remove Back to Top */
    #kamntop_wrapper i {
    	display: none;

    4. How to change Text that appear when mouse over To Top arrow?

    You need to edit the following file,

    File: lib/utils.php
    Line No: 666

    5. How to make progress bars to moves from 0 to 100%, not from 100 to 0?

    I have already pinged the Dev team about this. I will update you after getting their response.

    7. Why my text in sub-menus is in 2 lines? Length of text is less than some in your Demo page. See picture:

    It is due to length of characters in a word. You may adjust the it via following CSS Snippet,

    /* Menu Spacing */
    .menu ul ul.sub-menu a,
    .menu ul ul.sub-menu a:visited,
    .menu ul ul.children a,
    .menu ul ul.children a:visited {
     	margin: 0 10px;




    1. I think your Home Page 2 is based on Full Width Widgetized Template. This is why do not have Blog bar. Maybe i am wrong. However probably my solution will not have problem even after future update for theme because original files are not changed, only new copies are made.

    3 and 4 are ok now.

    5. Ok. I am waiting.

    7. I try this. Some sub-menus are in one line now. That is good. But i have one with 24 characters(including spaces). This is still in two lines.

    Thank you


    About removing numbers and % on the end of progress bars. I solve like this CSS Snippet:

    .widget_progressbar-data {
    	display: none;
    .widget_progressbar-progress {
            display: none;

    Question number 7 solved

    No need of this code:

    /* Menu Spacing */
    .menu ul ul.sub-menu a,
    .menu ul ul.sub-menu a:visited,
    .menu ul ul.children a,
    .menu ul ul.children a:visited {
     	margin: 0 10px;

    With this code i am able to use sub-menus with 46 characters including spaces(if there are more characters, they are still in one line but go out of menu). Main menu text can be longer. Tested with 100 characters and no problems. Thanks to my friend.

    /** Nested Anchors */
    .menu ul ul.sub-menu a,
    .menu ul ul.sub-menu a:visited,
    .menu ul ul.children a,
    .menu ul ul.children a:visited {
            white-space: nowrap;

    Waiting answer for Question number 5.

    Thank you



    Only this code for removing numbers and % at end of the bars:

    .widget_progressbar-progress {
            display: none;

    Because this code remove bars:

    .widget_progressbar-data {
    	display: none;


    Thanks for your valuable feedbacks.
    I will update the thread, as soon as i receive response on Progress bar.



    No response on Progress bar?


    I think it needs to update some JS code.
    Anyway, i am going to ping our development team to look into this matter.
    I will update this thread after receiving their response.


    OK. I will wait.

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