share button on home page

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  • #603

    i would like to include a share button on the home page. i thought i could add a further social link menu and list share options under it but it only allows for one. i have included share buttons on the projects and they work fine – i.e. you click on a project in the homepage and the share buttons appear at the bottom of that project when loaded. but if i include the option to show share buttons on the home page all i get is share buttons in every project frame included on the homepage. this is not what i want. i just want a simple share option at the top or even in the side menu or side bar or even perhaps in the footer section. is there a recommended widget or perhaps an option i am overlooking? thank you again for you help.
    the option to show share buttons is ticked for the home page.


    Hello Stanley,

    Sharing buttons means to share the content of particular page, post or project. So, when you will enable sharing buttons on particular destinations, they will appear under the post/page/project content automatically by Jetpack.

    but if i include the option to show share buttons on the home page all i get is share buttons in every project frame included on the homepage.

    Home Page is a placeholder for different projects. So, when you will enable sharing buttons for projects, they will appear under each project to share. In a more simplified way, projects on the home page are not the content of homepage, these are actually projects content which is appearing on home page.

    i just want a simple share option at the top or even in the side menu or side bar or even perhaps in the footer section.

    This is not option by Jetpack.



    thanks for your reply. yes i did understand and realise all that but was hoping to be able to add a share option for the site rather than just each post/portfolio. there must be a way of adding share buttons to the homepage somehow, even if its in the footer or side bar, surely!? i am not using my site as a blog. its a portfolio of my artwork.


    i can’t even seem to be able to move the share icons. having following the jetpack help instructions all i end up with is the code:
    if ( function_exists( ‘sharing_display’ ) ) {
    sharing_display( ”, true );
    } appearing instead of the icons!
    Does anyone have a solution please? All i want is for s site visitor to be able to share the site – ie. share buttons on the home page. I understand the homepage is a placeholder for the portfolios but there must be a way to do this. something like the social links options or in the side bar or even the footer. anywhere ! thanks

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