Text not appear when viewing Front Page

WordPress Themes, Plugins and HTML Templates Forums Prana WordPress Theme Text not appear when viewing Front Page

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    “this is my front page” text does not appear in my front page. The header and widgets appear however. What do I need to do.

    Also, I want to populate my front page with six blocks of information. How is this done? Does not Prana have 960 grid?




    “this is my front page” text does not appear in my front page. The header and widgets appear however. What do I need to do.

    Please read the following tutorial,


    Also, I want to populate my front page with six blocks of information. How is this done?

    I am unable to understand your point about Six Blocks of Information. If you are talking about Services widget than it can be displayed in the Three Columns as shown in Prana Demo.

    Does not Prana have 960 grid?

    Yes, Prana is based on 960 Grid with 16 columns support.



    “this is my front page” text does not appear in my front page. The header and widgets appear however. What do I need to do.
    Is the editor for code? Am I correct that simply typing text in the editor will not appear on the page, but must be code to appear on page?

    Does not Prana have 960 grid?
    Yes, Prana is based on 960 Grid with 16 columns support.
    Do I need code to format locations of columns beyond that offered?

    In Prana “Add New Page” the tutorial’s noted custom sidebar option does not appear.

    Some documentation would be helpful. I seek information re: Prana and find myself inside other theme’s instructions, some of which have features which do not apply to Prana.


    Hopefully doing well,

    Is the editor for code? Am I correct that simply typing text in the editor will not appear on the page, but must be code to appear on page?

    Not the case, it all depends on the “Choice of Template”

    • If your choice is “Default Template” in a Page, than the contents in the editor will appear as Front Page with the Sidebar.
    • If your choice is “Full Width Template” in a Page, than the contents in the editor will appear as Front Page without the Sidebar.
    • If your choice is “Front Page Template” in a Page, than the contents in the editor will not appear on Front Page. In this case “Widgets in the Front Page” will appear on Front Page.

    Do I need code to format locations of columns beyond that offered?

    Demo of Prana is self-explanatory. If you want to customize it than you have to modify the code. Don’t modify the core columns but write you own to have custom changes.

    In Prana “Add New Page” the tutorial’s noted custom sidebar option does not appear.

    I have referred you the tutorial about Front Page Settings which are same for all themes. Custom Sidebars are not available in the Prana, but Front Page sidebar is available to customize the Prana Front Page fully.


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