WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan” and DesignOrbital Themes

WordPress Themes, Plugins and HTML Templates Forums Announcements WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan” and DesignOrbital Themes

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    WordPress 4.7 is released on December 6, 2016. WordPress 4.7 is named “Vaughan” in honor of legendary jazz vocalist Sarah “Sassy” Vaughan.

    Major highlights of this awesome release are,

    • Twenty Seventeen theme is the new default theme. It is designed with big featured images and video headers.
    • Theme Starter Content is introduced in this version. Themes can provide starter content that appears when you go to customize your brand new site.
    • Edit Shortcuts are visible icons which will appear in the customized parts of your site while live previewing.
    • Video Headers support is added in WordPress 4.7
    • Menu Building is smoother and improved. Now you can add new pages while building menus instead of leaving the customizer and abandoning your changes.
    • Custom CSS is an amazing feature of this release. You can enhance your site with custom css snippets.
    • PDF Thumbnail Previews are introduced in this release.
    • Dashboard in your language is an awesome feature.

    Are DesignOrbital themes compatible with WordPress 4.7?

    We have tested our themes and are happy to announce the 100% compatibility with the WordPress 4.7. Our users can upgrade to WordPress 4.7 safely.

    Reports / Suggestions are Welcome

    We have tested the core and major features of our themes at WordPress 4.7 and not found any critical issue. You may report us any critical issues that we have missed.


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